Ignore These SEO Marketing Myths That Crush Marketing Results!

SEO marketing can be a confusing topic for business owners who need it but probably do not know enough about it to do it on their own.

It also involves a considerable investment in the services of SEO experts who have the ability to analyze a company’s marketing needs, then develop the best strategy to effectively serve them.

Rather than believing these common “money saving” mistakes and marketing myths, business owners should seek SEO help from experienced SEO experts who know the truth - SEO done right gets results!

  • One-Time SEO Is Enough - SEO is not something that gets done once, then works automatically and continuously. Search algorithms and technology are constantly changing. People’s search and buying habits are also constantly changing. As a result, SEO marketing must be tackled as an evolving process that is continuously fine-tuned to keep working as everything else changes.  
  • SEO Means Using Keywords - Keywords are an important part of SEO, but they are far from the only technique that SEO experts use in successful digital marketing strategies. The use of keywords alone will gain very little advantage for a business website, as there are many other on and off-site SEO methods that must be used to generate positive interest from searchers and the search engine alike. Those include valuable content of multiple types, well-researched keywords, building brand recognition and reputation, and other important optimization techniques that create web page authority and draw the attention of the search algorithm. 
  • SEO Means Automatic Ranking in the SERPs - Another incorrect belief is that once a website is optimized, it will automatically rank in the SERPs, which is also untrue. As suggested by the first two points, improving page rank is an ongoing process that starts with fine-turning website optimization, but involves numerous other SEO marketing techniques that result in websites having greater value and being more recognized by the algorithm. 
  • Social Media Does Not Help SEO - Today, social media has become another SEO help technique that every business needs to participate in. As much as many might think their business does not need social media, these accounts help to establish engagement, brand recognition, and authority, all of which create a trickle-down effect that improves SEO marketing.  
  • Local SEO Is Not Necessary - Optimization to filter marketing efforts to local audiences is one of the best and easiest ways to improve any company’s marketing results. Local SEO marketing is a more efficient use of marketing dollars when a company’s audience is right there in their community and not across the whole internet.

Ever heard any of these SEO marketing myths? Don’t fall for them!

Instead, get experienced, cost-effective SEO help that will bring better results and a higher ROI for every dollar spent on digital business marketing!

Top Digital Marketing Trends to Invest In For 2023!

Digital marketing techniques continue to evolve as new technology is developed and implemented across the internet.

A new marketing year is right around the corner and that has digital marketers reviewing what worked well for them in 2022 and what did not.

Moving closer to 2023, these are some of the top trends that digital marketing services are paying attention to for the upcoming year in their efforts to develop better and more effective marketing strategies.

  1. Video and More Video - Video in both short and long formats is still gaining momentum in digital marketing as more platforms and businesses integrate video content and video advertising into their marketing platforms. With users accessing content on a variety of applications and flocking to popular social media platforms, video content is being seen more and becoming more preferred than ever before. 
  2. Social Media Influencers - Along with the growth of video, digital marketers are seeing great results when partnering with social media influencers. What used to be reserved for mainly celebrities has now developed into something that can be done with any influencer who happens to have enough of the right followers. 
  3. AI, AR, and VR - Artificial intelligence is beginning to replace traditional search algorithms on social media, as feeds start showing more suggested content based on user demographics and activity. Simultaneously, there is also a significant rise in the use of augmented reality and virtual reality content which is really attracting attention for the companies investing in it. These three techniques really put the digital in today’s digital marketing, making advertising more fun, interactive, and automated.
  4. Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies - With viewers accessing content across so many platforms and devices, it has become essential for digital marketing services to create seamless ways to engage target audiences across all of them and from one device or platform to another in order to reduce confusion and maintain user focus. 
  5. Interactive Content - Interaction creates longer engagement, better personalization, and increased brand awareness. Though including interactive content in digital marketing strategies is not new, ideas such as comment, like, and share contests, polls, and similar interactions go far to spread brand awareness inexpensively while allowing businesses to better know their followers.

Most of these digital marketing ideas are not new, but they have advanced considerably in 2022.

As digital marketers look ahead into 2023, it is becoming clear that these techniques, especially those involving newer and expanded use of video content, will be big in the next year.

Roofers – Are You Taking Advantage of These Marketing Hacks?

Though the term hack might seem questionable, when it comes to digital marketing for roofers, it simply means easy methods that every contractor can use to get more customers.

No, roofing company owners are not marketing specialists, but these hacks are easy enough that owners can boost their roofers digital marketing efforts and land more sales.

Pay attention to these helpful ideas and start seeing the results!

  • Claim The Company’s Google My Business Page - The first and easiest thing that every contractor must do for free digital marketing for roof companies is to claim and thoroughly fill out their company’s My Business page on Google. This page is critical for getting on Google Maps, collecting critical reviews and customer feedback, as well as building exposure and reputation in a community. 
  • Start Using Social Media - Social media is another critical platform for roofers to adopt, as there are many ways to engage with potential customers and have them share the company name. 
  • Try PPC Ads in Various Places - Paid ads on Google and social media are an easy form of digital marketing for roofers that can help a contractor build their business name. 
  • Learn About Marketing Keywords - Google offers numerous keyword tools that even novices can use to learn which keywords might be more effective for a certain business, location, or other detail. Roofers digital marketing efforts that include those keywords on websites, business directory listings, and in advertising can attract more leads. 
  • Manage Online Reputation - Asking for reviews is an essential strategy of digital marketing for roof companies that can let past customers do the talking for a roofing company. Still, business owners must manage their online reputations by responding to positive and negative comments alike and doing whatever is possible to resolve customer issues as a means of positively managing their business reputation. 
  • Partner With a Marketing Firm - Finally, smart roofing company owners who are handling these hacks on their own should take the next step in digital marketing for roof companies by finding a marketing firm that can help them with lead generation, SEO, and other ways of getting more customers.

With a little spare time and a desire to build their online presence the right way, any roofing company owner can up their game and leverage their digital marketing for roofers using these easy hacks.

To get even better results and gain more customers in as little as a few months, contact a marketing service that specializes in roofers digital marketing!

Try These Essential Digital Marketing Strategies to Get More Leads!

Leads are everything when it comes to digital marketing.

Business owners invest in digital marketing services to attract more leads and then nurture those leads to hopefully turn them into actual sales.

It means that leads are the lifeblood of every marketing campaign and the gold that digital marketers are always after.

So How Can Businesses Continually Get More Leads?

These essential digital marketing strategies can help businesses connect with their audiences better and get more sales leads.

  • Understand the Different Types of Leads and How to Attract Them - There are four types of leads that digital marketers must account for when developing marketing strategies. These leads that consist of Marketing Qualified Leads, Sales Qualified Leads, Product Qualified Leads, and Service Qualified Leads all show different levels of customer intent based on which point in the marketing process the intent was made. Using this knowledge, digital marketing services can create separate strategies to target different audiences based on how far along the sales funnel they have gotten on their own.  
  • Review and Revise Landing Pages - After designating which type of marketing lead is sought, digital marketers must then analyze current landing pages to determine how well they are functioning in terms of converting viewers, then revise to promote more conversions. Everything from page load speed to relevance and lead type must be considered to develop a more effective page that convinces more viewers to click the CTA and move on to the next step in the conversion process. 
  • Target Quality Leads with A Digital CRM System - An important goal of digital marketing is to attract high-quality leads, meaning leads that are more likely to convert. One way that digital marketing services can target those leads and improve the quality of others is with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. CRMs are used to collect various lead data that can later be used to create digital marketing strategies to target specific leads in ways that are more likely to be successful with them. 
  • Provide Something of Value - An easy way to increase conversions and build email lists for future marketing efforts is to offer some sort of freebie that the user will find of value in exchange for sign-up. These types of interest-based leads are easy to collect with this type of value exchange.

Business owners having difficulty generating as many leads as they would like to must revisit their lead generating strategies and refine them.

Using these and other methods, professional digital marketing services can help companies sort out their marketing efforts and employ these essential digital marketing strategies to attract more leads and better leads that will lead to more sales!

SEO Tips Your Business Must Take To Heart

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Most people take a lot of pride in the sites they build and the businesses they put together via the web. But this pride doesn't come without first experiencing success. No one is proud of a failed business or website. Here are some SEO tips you can use in order to make a success of your business:

Taking advantage of the opportunities that SEO presents means taking advantage of the various content directories scattered across the web. These great sites are specifically for submitting articles and reaching the public's eyes. Having well written and targeted articles submitted to these sites will mean the right people read your article and more potential sales are created.

When dealing with SEO, it is important to remember to take your time. You can't expect to see results over night, it will take a while to build your reputation in the eyes of the search engines. Also, Google can tell if you try to artificially create links or rapidly increase your traffic and will penalize your site.

SEO marketing is a tool to improve a web site's visibility in search engine results. An optimized web site will help to keep your product or service in the first page or two of search engine results. After all, a web site doesn't do much good if no one can find it.

Show your consumer why they need your products. This may seem obvious, but many people don't realize why your products could make their lives easier! Use video, blogs, step-by-step instructions, and live demonstrations. Make it clear to them that your product is necessary to help them in their daily lives.

As you can deduce from the information above, SEO is about making your website appeal to the engine and to your particular market. It's a careful blend of quality control and targeted advertising that you can pull off by using what you've learned above.

So, how about working for that first page placement?