What Are the 7 C’s of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is essential to the survival and growth of every business today.

Although every company’s need for digital marketing services will differ as will the type that they need, there are a few things that every marketing strategy should address to be effective.

These are the “7 Cs” that digital marketers should focus on to generate success with any digital marketing plan for any business.

  • Customer - All digital marketing strategies should focus on understanding the customer, identifying their pain points, and then offering effective solutions.
  • Content - Digital marketing services should incorporate high-quality, informative, and creative content into every marketing strategy as it creates a way for companies to attract and better define target audiences. 
  • Context - A critical part of learning customer needs is understanding their context and how to best attract them by delivering optimized but intentional messaging in content that will bring in more leads.  
  • Community - Word-of-mouth recommendation from the community is a strong element and one that digital marketers can harness to generate more interest, build brand recognition as well as trust, and get more sales as a result. 
  • Convenience - By making being a customer convenient with user-friendly websites, easy ordering and contact, and other convenience factors, brand loyalty can be built by digital marketers
  • Cohesion - Brand cohesion across websites, social media, directory, and all other digital platforms create important recognition and authority that helps customers know what they can expect from a business on these different channels and that they are dealing with the same company that they have come to trust. 
  • Conversion - For any digital marketing plan to work, different kinds of conversions must be identified and then tracked to permit adjustment of the strategy and a means to measure its success.

Based on these seven points, digital marketing services can create custom marketing strategies that achieve their goals of creating new customers and promoting business growth.

These 7 Cs of digital marketing provide an easy outline to plan with to ensure that all marketing efforts are effective and bring the best results.

Starting with the customer as the most important of the 7 elements, companies can more easily visualize how to put the remaining points into play to create a promotional plan that will work.

To learn more about the 7 Cs of digital marketing and how to incorporate them into a successful marketing strategy, business owners can discuss this concept with an experienced digital marketing service that is ready to help their business grow!